Thursday, May 8, 2014

10 Simple Saving Money Lessons for Kids

Good financial habits should begin encouraged from age, so that kids get used to manage their money properly.

These financial foundations will help them maintain a good relationship with your wallet as they grow up.

Once you’ve decided to talk with your kids about personal finance questions immediately arise:

How should I do? And where do I start?
1.               You have to teach them the difference between needs and wants, and establish boundaries between what we really need and what they want to buy.
2.               You know the value and the price of things. For example, in the supermarket is appropriate to give examples and purchase prices and margins savings to buy a product.
3.               If you usually give your children money weekly share with them ideas to learn how to save it and manage it.

4.               The allowance is a good tool to encourage savings, teach them to be patient to achieve your financial goals and have control over expenses.
5.               If you ask them to assist in activities at home and therefore remuneras them, try not to give them too much, then become their domestic duties in business.
6.               Avoid giving “loans” because they constantly reinforce the belief that parents have access to unlimited amounts of money. 
7.               If you give them money to buy sweets or breakfast at school, suggest comparing prices and calculate how many and which candy can be purchased for the same price.

8.               Children learn by example from parents, so it is recommended to perform a good management of personal finances and let them share.
9.               The establishing a rapport with them, talk about their concerns, likes, dislikes and problems and will create a bond of trust that will help them in their self-esteem and safety.
10.         If your children are teenagers, they can set goals and establish savings plans, in addition to more responsibly manage their income in the future.

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