Monday, December 20, 2010

Lack of Motivation? Read This Now!

One of the greatest barriers to success is a lack of motivation. Whether it's apathy to your work, a repetitive task, or a feeling of futility, a lack of drive does a lot to make you do little.

In order to stay on top of your game, it's important to consistently move forward and avoid complacency. This means sticking your neck out and doing new things.

By breaking out of your comfort zone, you can achieve more than you possibly imagined. 

Below are methods to yourself motivated :

1. Read & Remain Resourceful

Turn to the living models of success for inspiration. Many successful men have chronicled their path to success for the benefit of others.

So read the biographies of people who have succeeded in life, or who have achieved the impossible, such as CEO extraordinaire Jack Welch, business guru Stephen Covey, or career columnist Harvey Mackay.

Also, keep in step with trends in your industry by reading trade magazines and the business section of your local newspaper.

It is also important, however, to read about things that interest you. Keeping your mind fresh and striving to learn about new things will make you resourceful and keeps your mind active. The more you know about something, the more you'll want to keep learning.

2. Speak To People Who Inspire You

Even better than words on paperback are words from people who are right in front of you. Whether it's a mentor or someone you know, like a family member or friend, don't be afraid to speak with someone who has achieved a lot and is considered successful. 

Go ahead and pick their brains. Most people will be glad to help out an admirer -- or at least talk about themselves at length. Stay in touch with them and keep them abreast about your own successes.

Do this consistently and you'll have a very impressive network of inspirational sources.

3. Look At The Bigger Picture

Don't be the one who can't see the forest for the trees; always focus on what's really in front of you. Try not to let the daily grind at work get you down.

Instead, at the end of the day, think about the fulfillment your job brings you. You may not realize it, but your job must touch someone or make a difference somehow, even if indirectly.

Also, focus on how your contribution at work makes a positive difference in the company. Remember that a team is nothing without its players.

4. Go Beyond Your Job Title

Comfort zones breed complacency, and complacency breeds laziness. So take your job and run with it. Don't refuse to do something just because it's not part of your job description.

Go beyond the call of duty by taking initiative, volunteering to take on projects at work, and reading up on your industry and the company.

Knowing the inner workings of the company gives you an extra edge that you can ultimately use to your advantage. For instance, your vast knowledge may just prove to be valuable to your superiors one day.

5. List Your Own Accomplishments

Everybody needs a little pep talk every once in a while, and the most effective ones come from within. Make a list of all your achievements, both personal and professional, and know your worth.

Once you're convinced of it, you won't need validation from others as much. This is a great confidence booster, and confidence dispels doubt.

6. Challenge Yourself

Setting new goals will keep the drive alive. Once you know what you're capable of, set business goals for yourself and set new standards in your field.

Whether it's making "X" amount of sales or business contacts, or maintaining a high level of customer service and satisfaction, take on a new challenging project.

The will to succeed will keep you going, and bring out bouts of brilliance that you never knew you had.

Of course, the hardest part of any goal is actually setting the gears in motion. Implement whatever plan is necessary in order to accomplish your goal. Risk is a great motivator, and failure a great teacher. Don't be afraid of failure; learn from it instead.

7. Mix It Up

Like comfort zones, routine begets boredom and numbs the soul. So try to avoid getting stuck in the same old cycle.

Even something as small as changing the radio station on your way to work, taking a different route home, picking up a new magazine, or going for lunch with new people can keep you, and your attitude, fresh.

You can even change things around at work by rearranging or redecorating your office (or cubicle). Don't get stuck in the rut of a routine because, sometimes, even the slightest change can lead to bigger things and better ideas.

8. Always Have End Goal In Mind

There's nothing that will keep you going like the thought of reaching your objective. Take a moment to think about what you want to achieve and how you will go about achieving it.

Make a list of mini-goals that will get you there. Review them at the start of the day and during the actual task in order to remind yourself what you expect to get out of it.

Completed jobs keep interest and motivation high, so try to finish at least one mini-goal before the end of the day, and start fresh tomorrow.

Remember that everyone who optimizes their talents will get recognized by the higher-ups in the long run. Whether it's improving customer service or contributing to the bottom line, plan out how you can use your talents to help the company achieve its end goal or mission statement.

9. Have Some Fun

Creativity guru Doug Hall wrote that brainpower can increase three- to five-fold by laughing and having fun before working on a problem. Try to find something fun about a project, no matter how daunting it looks. It will relax you and put you in a more optimistic frame of mind.

If you feel truly hopeless, try this trick: imagine the worst possible outcome. Really exaggerate the scenario. Then laugh at it. And when all is over, treat yourself. It'll motivate you for the next time.


Small things can have huge effects on a person's morale. Sometimes all it takes is a personality checklist, an inspirational story, a new business contact, or even a personal goal, to keep your gears in motion. In order to get ahead, you must always be motivated.

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